
Monday 19 September 2011

Call of Duty: Black Ops (PC)

I am a HUGE fan of the Call of Duty franchise. A lot of people are. With that being said, a lot of people absolutely hate it, and I can understand why. The matchmaking system that was used in Modern Warfare 2 was absolute garbage, you couldn't have dedicated servers, and you had to keep paying for the DLC packs if you wanted the new maps. Black Ops is a bit better in that respect, minus the DLC crap (I swear they release a new DLC every month at 15 bucks a pop). But overall the dedicated servers are great, no more silly matchmaking, and they brought back the bad ass zombie mode from Call of Duty: World at War.

One of the main things people hate about COD is the unrealistic game play. I agree, it's totally unrealistic. But it's also a video game. I can tell you a lot about the army, the reality is it's not always action packed and fun; COD generally is. If you really cared about realistic game play, join the army, it's as real as it gets and they'd love to have you. The game is really easy to grasp and has a lot in common with the previous COD's, ie: perks, killstreaks and weaponry. The graphics are a bit better than MW2 (you can't tell from the video because I was playing on low quality and the file format is changed for upload-ability) and I think the maps are way more detailed.

I want to briefly address some things you see in this video:

Yes, I'm an idiot. I haven't played this game in awhile and totally forgot the range of napalm. If you haven't watched it, I manage to not only kill myself, but some members of my team. I get yelled at for it, pretty funny. That second napalm wasn't mine though, I swear.

That dude that shot me through the wall was my teammate, thanks man, I probably deserved it.

Yes, I should have been playing the objective, which was to plant/defend the bomb(sites). Oh well.

At the end when I got kicked for teamkilling (not my fault, although I could have said I was calling mortars/napalm to the enemy spawn), we definitely did not win. We won the first round, lost the second round, and would have proceeded to a third round where we would have been randomly assigned to attack or defend.

It was my first time playing in months and usually I'm much more focused. Oh, and I also killed myself with a flash-bang, pretty embarrassing. 

If you love COD and haven't played Black Ops yet, I would highly suggest this game. Even the single player campaign is pretty sweet. Also, if you loved ZOMBIES from World at War, you'll go nuts for the Black Ops version (it's way better). If you despise COD and everything it stands for, don't get it. But please (and this happens a LOT) don't sit there in a server and whine about how much you hate the game, its the only thing more childish than the six year old killing you over and over again, sitting in the same spot all game.

If you think I only play PC games, its because I do. Black Ops is still $60 on Steam (absurd, I know). There's also a tonne of DLC you'll have to get, which gets expensive pretty quick. You may just want to wait for Modern Warfare 3 (check out my other blog post).


  1. I am also debating uploading a little clip of zombie mode, we'll see...

  2. "Why are you napalming our side bro!?" "its not that hard bro" lol. sweet post Aaron!

  3. I used to love the game "Black," which had grenades you could shoot about six miles away. Unrealistic but satisfying.

  4. I'm scared of these games! I tried to play it once and ended up just crouching in a corner behind a woman with an apron. It was awesome.
