
Thursday 29 March 2012

Off topic: Journey for Justice

Last week, we had the pleasure of having Wilma Derksen and Mike McIntyre speak at our campus. For anyone who doesn't know, Wilma's daughter Candace was abducted and later found dead inside an old machinery shed near her home. For Journalism class, we read Mike's book, Journey for Justice: How "Project Angel" Cracked The Candace Derksen Case.

If you didn't know that Mike was a journalist prior to reading his book, you'd certainly know afterwards. There were strong journalistic elements present in Mike's book, and some parts read like little news stories. Other parts were more like your classic novel, but I think the way that Mike married the two is what made it worth the read. I often find it's much more interesting to read about something that actually happened, which is why I don't read Harry Potter and endure relentless verbal assaults.

During the presentation, I was surprised to learn about all the things that Mike has accomplished. Writing several books, working at the Winnipeg Free Press since 1997, hosting his own radio show, and raising a family. Sounds like a busy guy. It was really interesting to learn how Mike went about writing his books. He let us know that it has a lot to do with being personable, which is a huge asset if you want to be a successful journalist.

What I found the most interesting, however, was Wilma. I can't even imagine the courage that woman has. After losing her daughter in such a terrible way, being accused by the police of being a religious 'fanatic', having her husband accused of being the murder, she still has the courage to speak about her experience. And not just once, but dozens of times. I really wished we could have heard  more from Wilma, it's not everyday that you meet someone like that.

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